Thursday, October 1, 2009

French Movie "Home"

Life started on Earth some 3.6 eons (1 eon = 1 billion years) ago. The first living creatures are the microbes, the foundation for the complex organisms to evolve. Plants and trees are formed which are the most creative standing structures with their growth always tending towards the sky. 6% of the Earth's land is tropical rain forests. There are countless species originated on the earth and each species has its unique place in maintaining the overall balance of Earth. Human beings initially depended on forests for their survival. Agriculture was one major invention that changed the human eating habits and laid foundations for civilizations. Agriculture has become the major source of human survival. Vast forest lands were cleared to start production of various food grains. Tillers of the soil used hands and manual labour to plough land and harvest crops till 20th century. With the advent of oil extraction the scene of agriculture changed completely. Machines, especially in America mechanized crop production leading to even surplus production of grains. Pesticides and fertilizers were invented and used extensively to ensure high yields. There are only 600,000 farmers in the US where as the farm land is 440 million acres. (750 acres per worker). The models created by America were soon followed by other western countries and the developing nations as well.

The oil revolution changed the face of Earth. Big cities with sky scrappers soon became the centers of human living. Nearly half of the world's population today lives in Big cities. Minerals and metals are mined from the earth to meet the needs of these big cities. Oil extraction, mining and transportation together lead to massive amounts of CO2 and other green houses gases to be released onto the atmosphere. The average temperature of earth in the last 15 years was the highest ever temperature since humans lived on this planet. As a results the ice caps on the Arctic are melting. The movie again showcased breath taking visuals of the arctic ice caps, how its thickness is reduced and how the melted fresh water merges with the oceans leading to raise in sea levels. The cities on the coast are the first ones at danger. The raise in sea levels will salinate the ground water on which is the primary water source for most cities.

The effects of global warming are already seen in countries like Bangladesh which is constantly hit with cyclones due to change in climate patterns. Nearly 200 million people are likely to be displaced because of global warming and its effects. The industrialization and globalization of economies not only changed the climate but also created huge disparity between the rich and the poor. The irony is that poverty is more in the countries that are rich with resources like India, Africa and Brazil. There are deserts on earth where people survived on fossil waters for drinking water. Las Vegas is also built on a desert where an individual consumes 1000 litres a day. The colorado river which supplies water to all big cities in America is one of those rivers that never reaches sea.

The movie ended with a statement that is it too late to be pessimist and highlighted some positive changes and revolutions that started. There are still fresh water resources on earth untouched by pollution. There are still 50% of rain forests remaining. There are still ground water reserves. Even now there are 60% of farmers in the world tilling the soil with hands. True, its too late to be a pessimist. Together we created the climate change. Together we can undo it.

Man on Earth is 200,000 years old on the Earth which is 4 billion years old. As James Lovelock said in his Gaia theory, "In Gaia we are just another species, neither the owners nor the stewards of this planet. Our furture depends much more upon a right relationship with Gaia than upon the never ending drama of human interests".

Panel discussion: There was a brief and succinct panel discussion on audience questions. Some of the important points discussed

1. What can we do as individuals ? The panel suggested that a deeper change in the fundamental value systems upon which the society is based is required. Each individual can adapt a sustainable life style. One example is that our buying choices should be made based on absolute need. We should know where the products that we are buying are coming from. If they are coming from more than 500 miles radius, try to avoid them.

2. The issue of global warming is a political issue. The policy makers should be forced to put in right policies in place. For e.g farmers in dry lands like Rayalaseema are giving away Jowar and other traditional crops suitable for their region because of government subsidies for rice.

3. How much as individuals are we ready to give up personal comforts for e.g say Air conditioning. It is possible to build houses that can be much cooler without requiring AC ? Do we question the solutions given to us or are we conditioned to accept everything given to us ?

4. Youth and students need to be more responsible and raise their voice against the issues that will concern their future. For e.g privatization of education. No student organization is protesting against privatization of education. 10 years back the student movements on these issues was much stronger.

5. The movie is available on youtube. Viewers are requested to promote the movie widely.


sangeetha said...

Nice summary. This link has some interesting observations on personal change vs political change in relation to the ecological crisis.

sangeetha said...

An other interesting link here with articles that talk of First Person Ecology -- with observations on "seemingly thoughtful and thoughtless" people...

sangeetha said...

sorry, forgot to add the link . here it is :